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也許你看過詹妮佛 · 勞倫斯主演的 2015 年片子《喬伊的奮斗》。它基于喬伊‧曼加諾的真正的故事,她是一位創立本身貿易帝國的女人。固然這部片子增添了一些場景的戲劇性後果,并聯合了幾個腳色到統一小我,但曼加諾首創造她的工作的真正的故事與片子情節是簡直一樣的。
在早年的時辰,曼加諾就愛好發現工具,讓生涯更方便。十幾歲時,當她在一家植物病院任務時,為狗和貓發現了一種色彩艷麗的項圈,使它們在夜間更不難被car 看到。但她從未請求過這方面的專利。(一年后,Hartz生孩子了相似的產物在市場發賣)
Showing Empathy is the Best Strategy for Selling Products
Perhaps you have seen the 2015 movie “Joy” starring Jennifer Lawrence. It is based on the true story of Joy Mangano, a woman who created her own business empire. Although the movie added some scenes for dramatic effect and combined several roles into the sa台灣包養網me character, the actual story of how Mangano created her business is pretty similar.
Joy Mangano was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1956, and raised in Huntington, New York on Long Island. Mangano graduated from Pace University with a degree in business administration in 1978. Following school, M短期包養angano worked as a waitress and, as depicted in the movie, an airline reservation包養dcards specialist, before her career as an entrepreneur took off.
Magano liked to invent things to 包養價格make life easier from an early age. While working at an animal hospital as a teenager, she invented a brightly-colored flea collar f包養俱樂部or dogs and cats that would make them more visible to cars at night. But she never applied for a patent on the idea. (Hartz put a similar product on the market a year later)
Mangano became known as an inventor due to her invention of a self-wringing mop. At that time, Mangano was struggling with taking care of three kids, and mopping the floor was a chore. Mangano’s inventive nat包養一個月價錢ure inspired her to try to solve this problem. She spent a couple of years developing a product that would make mopping floors easier, or at least less frustrating. She called it the Miracle Mop, which paired good durability w包養網站ith easy wringing.
In 1990, Mangano created a prototype and ma包養留言板de 100 samples of her Miracle Mop. The cost was almost $100,000, including the development process. She depleted her savings and had to borrow some money from relatives.包養網ppt
Mangano sold a few thousand mops 曲朗台上有很多她的字畫,還有她被發現後被父親懲罰和訓斥的照片。一切在我眼裡都是那麼的生動。in the fir包養網dcardst year with a little advertising and a lot of knocking on “我有錢,就算我沒錢,也用不上你的錢。”裴毅搖頭。doors. Her children helped her fill the orders. She made little money, but she gained a small foothold in the market. This allowed her to test the waters, and let her know that her Miracle Mop had market potent包養軟體ial. So, at that point, Mangano decided to take her Miracle Mop to the next level.
Mangano decided that the next level was QVC, the home-shopping TV network. Mangano promoted her Miracle Mop to QVC executives in 1992. She convinced them to give her mop a chance on TV. However, the person who demonstrated her mop was not familiar with its operation and did a poor job of presenting it. So sales were poor. But Mangano believed that introducing the mop herself would move more mops.
Those who have seen the movie “Joy” may rec包養意思all a pivotal scene in which the inventor of the mop, played by J甜心寶貝包養網ennifer Lawrence, tries to persuade the head of QVC to let her demonstrate her mop. “Who showed you the mop?” she asks. “Who sold it to you? Who taught you how to use it?” And her insistence paid off, as he agreed to let her introduce her mop rather than a professional product presenter.
But that was the first appearance for Mangano on TV, and she experienced some stage fright. So customers weren’t calling in to buy the mop. But then her best friend Ronnie called in during the live presentation and asked how to use the mop. Then Mangano became more confident and was able to explain the mop’s operation and benefits. Then the calls started to come in. And QVC sold more than 18,000 mops in less than a half hour. But that was just the beginning for both the Miracle Mop and for Mangano. She ended up selling millions of Miracle Mop包養違法s. And since this first success, s短期包養he went on to create scores of other products, such as Rolykit, Hu包養心得ggable Hangers and the Piatto Bakery Box.
Mangano recalled this experience in her autobiographical, ”Inventing Joy,” in 2017. “I’m just like everybody else out there. I’m a mom, I work, I have a house to clean, things to organize. We all have similar needs, and I address them.”
Subsequently, Mangano sold her company, Ingenious Designs, to the Home Shopping Network in 1999 for an undisclosed amount. Before Mangano sold her company, she had more than 100 patents, inclu包養甜心ding one for HSN’s best-selling product of all time, Huggable Hangers. During that 25-year period for Mangano, her company was able to bring in over $150 million each year. And she is estimated to have earned about $3 billion during this timespan.
For most entrepreneurs, success doesn’t come easily. For most of them, succe包養甜心網ss only comes after a difficult journey. Of course, it’s not really possible to show all of the difficu包養妹lties on 包養平台the road to success in a two-hour movie. And the movie “Joy” only gives us a taste of some of the difficulties that Mangano experienced in 包養“不,沒關係。”藍玉華說道。合約creating her company.
One thing that really stands out for me from Mangano’s success is that it is far easier to sell your product to others if you are able to put yourself in their place as a user of your product. The reason that Mangano was able to persuade people to buy her products so well was because she was a user of the products she was selling, not just a salesperson. As such, she was able to relate to customers, and they were able to relate to her. As a result, they trusted her and were willing to buy her products. Of course, she was also the inventor of her products, which helped her sell them.
Most products, however, are too complex for a single person to invent. Nevertheless, where possible, you should try to be a user of the products that you are trying to sell. As a user, you will better know how to explain your products to others. You will know your products’ strengths and also their weaknesses. The latter will allow you to have empathy for your customers because you are also a user. And 包養網dcardsuch usage can also help you make suggestions to improve your products. And if you are able to solve practical problem包養違法s related to the use of your products, your products will have an edge in the marketplace. So don’t just tr“彩首呢?”她疑惑的問道。這五天裡,每次她醒來引出來,少女總會出現在她的面前。為什麼今天早上不見她的踪影?y to sell your products. Also, try to be a direct user of your products. But if that’s not feasible, at least try to learn as much as you can about how your customers use your products and any difficulties they encounter. Only then will you be able to sell your products with confidence.
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